Sunday, October 7, 2007

Food Give-away

A couple weeks ago the staff here at Mercy decided to put together a fund and buy food to give out at the clinic to out patients. We have done this before in the past. Last time at Christmas. The past couple weeks we have been under great warfare. The Department of Health have threatened to shut us down by not renewing our licsense. We have had to change many things about how the clinic is run to comply with what that are asking of us. Today the DOH came to our clinic for a final inspection and thank God they renewed our licsense! We are not out of the clear yet though. The investigating doctor has taken issue with us foreingers being here. There are still things that we need to comply with and figure out before we are out in the clear. To cut out the foreingers would shut down the clinic. Please be praying for us here and the ministry God has intrusted us too. Giving out food is part of the way we are fighting the battle. We want to glorify God and bless abundantely the women we serve. This week we are giving out a bag of food to each women who come in for a prenatal checkup. The bags include rice, beans, noodles, soy sauce, and sardines. We put together +350 bags to give out.

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