Hey there my friends!
I have a lot to say. I have been back in the Philippines for a little over a month and have dived right in. This little girl that I am holding in the pic is Sabina. She is a baby that I delivered this last february. Her father is a friend of mine. He brought her into the clinic for a visit. I had not seen her in 4 months. So I was pretty excited to see how beautiful she is. I don't often see babies that I deliver after they are 6 weeks old. So this was a real treat.
Right now at Mercy we have a bunch of intern midwives from the states here helping out over the summer months when we are short staffed due to students being gone. We have a lovely bunch here this summer. We are getting to the end of the intern season. On september 7th our new students will arrive. We have a class of 12 starting this September. I am really excited for this class. 9 of the girls are going to move in the student dorm. The other ones are married and are already settled here in Davao.

This is a picture of Inday when she came for her 3 week visit. She is doing great! Her baby Kian is growing just as he should. She has been a blessing to me the last couple weeks. Inday is a good mother.
Today I had another patient deliver. She had a wonderful birth. I also dleivered her first baby, so this delivery was extra special to have that connection. She had a little boy that they named Rey after his dad.
Life is hopping around here. Very busy in the birthing business. I am just so blessed to be here. God is teaching me so much. I am humbled that he would keep teaching me and changing me in the ways that he is.