Last night we had a rather shocking delivery. Mirlande delivered on the street waiting for a ride to the clinic. She said that she was sitting then stood up and the baby fell out of her. Not too long after the birth, a man in a truck picked Mirlande and her family up and brought them to the clinic. Stephanie and I went out to the gate to see what was going on and to our surprise, Mirlande was in the front of the truck with her baby covered in dirt in her arms. We quickly cut the cord and delivered the placenta and got Mirlande and her baby into the clinic. I Primarily took care of the baby. Besides being covered in dirt from his peculiar birth, He seemed to be doing okay. I gave him a bath right away to clean him off, then weighed and clothed him. While I was taking care of the baby, Stephanie took care of Mirlande. Soon after that Beth and Paige arrived. I praise God that Mirlande had a normal birth besides the birth location. She did not lose a lot of blood, and the baby is doing okay. It could have been a lot different. This was Mirlande's third pregnancy. Her second baby died a month after birth.
wow...what a story! I'm so glad the baby and mommy are okay. My second thought after hoping everyone was okay was I surely hope my 3rd baby falls out of me to some degree. Sounds nice...nicer than long, hard labor! :-) I'm pregnant with #3...hope you are well!
Wow Sarah that is exciting! I didn't know that. When are you due?
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